Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Benefits of Classroom Blogging

I am learning more and more everyday about Classroom Blogging and how much fun it is!! I think classroom blogs are a great way for teachers and their classes to communicate around the world. When students can talk to other students about what they are doing in their classes, and find out that they are learning a lot of the same information, they realize there are other students just like them. I also think it is neat for the students to hear how other classroom teachers present the information. That could inspire classroom discussions with their teachers to give them ideas for presentations, projects, and activities. I think classroom blogging is fun for all ages. Children these days are very technologically advanced, my son teaches me new things on the computer all the time!! When they can use computers to do class work, they are much more apt to complete a more thorough piece of work. They find computers to be fun and exciting so they want to work on them as long as possible!
Being a resource room teacher, I don't really teach classroom lessons. So I was thinking, how would I use this in my classroom so it would be beneficial to my students. One idea I thought of was to use it as a tool to communicate with other resource room teachers to get ideas for skill building in my resource classes. I think it would be really fun to talk to other teachers in different areas of the country and see how they utilize their resource time and to find out how the students respond to the different ideas.


Kathy N said...

One of the ways I thought we could use Blogs in Resource was to go to the sites Teacher Tube or Next Vista and have the students review their work using the podcasts of other teachers. There are so many available in a variety of diciplines that I'm sure the students would find content areas similar to what they are studying.

Anonymous said...

Not having your own classroom can have it's challenges. I have been trying think of creative ways to incorporate more technology in my teaching. Visiting sites of other teachers is a great way for students and teachers learn more about what's out there and how to incorporate it into what's going on in the classroom. The more I search and blog, the more ways I find to use technology in lessons. Students in my small groups can actually respond to the classroom blog about what we're doing and how it's connected to their classroom.

Anonymous said...

Visiting other bolgs is a great way to come up with new ideas on how to incorporate technology in lessons. One way I hope to use this in Reading Center is to have students communicate to the classroom about what we are doing in small group and how it connects to the classroom. In this way we can work on communication skills as well as making the writing more authentic. When students see a real world connection they are more engaged in what they are doing. Blogging gives students this opportunity.

Laurie O'Reilly said...

I agree that a blog would be an excellent opportunity to get the perspectives of other cultures and values around the world. Sometimes students just can't believe that the American viewpoint is not the only correct viewpoint and by reading others perspectives and reasonings, it could open students up to a whole new way of looking at the world around them. I also think it is great for our reluctant learners who are also computer fanatics.opening an exciting learning door in which they hardly know they are learning. Oh the possibilities!