Monday, November 26, 2007

Different Video Sites

I have recently become a "You Tuber" and it is really fun!! I love the fact that there is so much information that you can access with the swipe of a couple of keys and hit search. This is my favorite site hands down. The content can be used in many different ways. You can access videos and use them to demonstrate different concepts being taught in the classroom. This is exceptionally useful in courses like Economics and Government where you might want to use a modern day example to demonstrate a subjece. For example, I was in an Economics class one day and the teacher was discussing the stock market. He wanted the students to see what it was like when trading on the actual stock floor of Wall Street. We used U-Tube to find a section of the movie Trading Spaces where they actually trade on the floor. It was cool for the kids to see an example and actually "get" what he was talking about.
On Teacher Tube, I really like the "hands-on" demonstrations of how to do things. When I went on, I watched a video of how to make a paper turkey. Fun projects for kids are just one of the best parts of this site. There is a ton of information on this site for teachers to use to challenge their students in fun yet informative ways. When you give a student an assignment and they are learning, but it is fun and informative and they don't realize they are learning, that is the best!
The feature to NextVista that I really like are the videos of different lessons for the core academic subjects. Especially the math links, because there are so many different ways to do math that it makes it easy to find different teachers to meet the needs of many different students.
Thanks for the insight into some of the different possibilities of sites out there to help kids learn!

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