Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wikis as a classroom tool

I found the Wiki to be a fun thing! I participated in the famous people game, naming people, putting hints down about them, and researching fun facts. It not only gave me the information I needed to put information on the wiki, but it taught me some things that I didn't know. I like the idea of the wiki being a constant teaching tool not just for one person but for many people to utilize.
Wiki's also have a lot of potential because they can be used for a ton of different topics and ideas. You can use it for everything from content area learning to skills topics in resource room. I also think a Wiki could be a productive way to get different ideas from many different resource teachers on how to work skills into resource periods. I am always looking for different and new ideas to "spice" things up. I look forward to doing more with both Wiki's and Blogs!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These sound like great ideas, Joelle. If you do begin using some wikis, I hope you'll share links with me so I can take a look.