Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Final Reflection 2

I really had a good time participating in this online course. I have done online courses in the past and the one thing I like is being able to work at my own speed when I want to. I could sit in my Pajamas, drink coffee, and work until I didn't feel like working any more. I didn't really struggle with any of the topics or assignments at all. I am very comfortable working on computers and exploring different aspects of them, I think they are fun! I liked the structure because it broke down the different topics and gave the timeline for each to be finished. The content was very appropriate, I learned about so many new programs and Ideas that are out in the world being used everyday. I would never have had the exposure to these if I hadn't taken this class.
The instructor was very accessible and gave good feedback when I needed it. You are always a pleasure to work with Lori. My only recommendation for future offerings is to keep it relevant to what is going on in the world of education today. For example, the blogspots are great because classrooms around the world are using them and they can be very beneficial for learning. I am always interested in new websites being used and created in the world of education.
I will definitely recommend this course for others to take, I had a lot of fun and will probably participate in another online class in the fall. Anything to do with websites, and webquesting would be interesting.
Thanks for everything Lori!!

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