Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Time for Reflection 3

I have really enjoyed this course, it has taught me so many new things regarding technology that I had heard about but never tried. I really like the use of a blog and wikis to generate and share new ideas. I think it is such a great concept that we can utilize ideas from people across the world who are doing the exact same job we are, and trying to achieve the same success! As a resource room teacher, I would really like to try and use either a blog site or a wiki to help my students improve their study skills. Getting ideas from not only other teachers, but other students may be the push some of them need.

I am a technology person, it doesn't scare me and I have fun with it. If we are going to keep up with our students today and in the future, it has to happen now. This class has proven that technology is not scary, it is cool! I like it and I hope more people start to use it in their classes, assignments, and even in homework assignments. If the students could utilize some of these tools for homework, believe me more homework would get done because it would be fun!


Unknown said...

I love how you said, "If the students could utilize some of these tools for homework, believe me more homework would get done because it would be fun!"

Just think of the power we could leverage and the learning that could take place if we really got students fully engaged?!

cholden said...

I was reading your blog and an idea just popped into my head that would be so simple, but is a really great idea. For HW assignments, you could create a wiki or blog where each assignment is posted every day. The students could log on and see all their assignments for each class. I know we have HW hotline here in the middle school, but this would be another way that we could reach kids and parents who are into technology.