Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dr. Zhao, A modern day Philosopher!

I really enjoyed listening to Dr. Zhao, he was entertaining, fun, and has a lot of good ideas about education. It is refreshing to hear someone say all the things that, as an educator, we are always thinking. Things like how the people on the front lines, who work with kids, should have the power and how the people who have the power need to work closer with kids! I love his philosophy of how education is always trying to fix the past and needs to work to the present and the future. How we as educators need to push more creativity and get our students ready to live in a computer world.

I agree with Dr. Zhao about how we need to make students active contributers to the economy. I find that when students are held responsible for their work and actions, then they perform to their highest abilities. We need to get them ready to contribute to the digital society by actively participating and working hard for it. We are a technological society and if we want our students to be successful in it, then we need to prepare them to their fullest potential.

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