Monday, January 7, 2008

Collaborative Projects

I really enjoyed listening to Kevin Honeycutt's presentation, he is funny, entertaining, and definitely passionate about teaching. He has very strong beliefs and ideas about learing through collaboration and working as a team. I like the idea of the kids leading the project, just giving them a few guidelines and then letting them soar with the information they learn. I thought it was funny when he was telling about the airplane project, how the two teams, as he describes, became "corporations" instead of working together. Kids become very protective of their projects and it can become like a competition. I think if they have clear guidelines to follow and the collaboration is a big piece of it, then they will learn to work together.

Being a resource room teacher, I am not sure how I would use the collaborative project. The only thing I can think of is when I have students working on an assignment for a regular education teacher, then the students could collaborate on the assignments. It may also be neat for the students to see what other classes, in other areas, are doing for the same book, story, or to see how others teach a similar math concept or social studies concept. Skills based lessons could also be beneficial for this type of learning, having kids learn from other kids. They love that!

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