Tuesday, January 22, 2008

School 2.0 The School of the Future!

I really enjoyed reading about school 2.0, it is neat to think about education in the future and what it will look like. I think that it is time to look at education and try to find ways to redesign how we do things. Technology is not just the future, it is the here and now! As far as I can see it, education is behind the times and we, as educators, need to catch up!

The one thing about School 2.0 that I really like is the idea of collaboration between school, home, and the community. I mean, we are supposed to be preparing our students for the future, shouldn't it be parallel to what the communities they live want and need? After all, the more support a young person has, the more successful they will be! I really like how they call it a "Learning Ecosystem" I think that says it all. The students are always asking, when will I ever use this in my life? Well if the community is involved in the planning, and the education is relevant, then they won't have to ask this question anymore!

I wouldn't keep anything off of this map and I wouldn't change anything either. I think it makes not only great connections, but great sense! I really like and hope I am around long enough to see it happen one day!


cholden said...

I agree with what you say about having all groups involved. The students, teachers, community all need to be a part of this process. This all goes back to making learning meaningful. What purpose does this have for the real world? Do we have kids do projects just for the sake of doing a project or do we make it meaningful/purposeful. When kids can see that connection between their work and the outside world they are much more invested in what they are doing. I do feel behind the times. I was bragging about learning how to blog and my students just laughed and said they had been doing that for years. :)

Julie said...

Joelle, your comments about the collaboration are very true. Parents schools and communities should be partners. We all say we want this but what are we really doing to make it happen? Do you think this model should be a template for discussions in our school and in our district? I am afraid the reaction will be "not another new initiative". How do we counter that?