Thursday, December 27, 2007

Reflection 2 - Make a Choice

So many tools, so little time! I find all of the tools we have learned about to be beneficial in different ways. I still really like Blogging better than Wikiing. It is more fun. The tool I like the best though is the online bookmarking. I really like the idea of being able to just push a button and "poof" your sites you love are all saved in one convienent place. Plus looking at my classmates bookmarks gave me some ideas for my own site. I work with many different kinds of learners and I think being able to create a page of useful sites for them, is a great resource they can take with them, not only in high school, but all through college as well. I am definitely going to use this site to create a list of resources for my resource students to hopefully help them with papers, research, etc.


Molly J said...

This is just so much fun! You have given me many ideas that I am going back to my account to add sites to help our students with research etc. Thanks

Kevin Markman said...

The wiki idea is expanding for me as you mentioned skill development in resource room as one of the ways you would do that. I am hoping to develop videos on social skills for kids to teach kids basic social skills to post by the end fo the year. What type of "skills into resource" would you be talking about and have you gotten input from other resource teachers? I would be interested to hear more as I think the skill development academically, socially and emotionally is essential.

Sarah Sherwood said...

I agree that all of the tools we have been introduced to are great. It is hard to pick which is the best in the classroom. The bookmarking is awesome, I love having a place to go and see other people's resources that could work for me, as well. Thank you for the ideas and resources.